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Topic: Vertical keystone
Joined: Sep 10, 2020
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Im building a golf simulator using a BenQ TH671ST, ceiling mounted with a throw of 11 feet. I have a 6 inch dropped mount on a 10 foot ceiling. The spec. Is a 2” drop for ceiling mounts. I would like the image to start no more than 6” above the floor. This projector has vertical keystone. Will I be able to get a good display without dropping the mount down to keep the specified 2 inch drop.
Needless to say this is my first experience setting up a projector and any help is greatly appreciated.
Joined: Mar 28, 2005
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Not sure what image size you are hoping for overall.

With 11' lens to screen you will be able to get an image that is between a 182" to 219" diagonal. These are very large for home use and the BenQ probably wouldn't be my first choice, but with the setup, may still be one of the better choices.

I'm not sure the exact height you want the image, but with the throw distance and image diagonals you will get a range in height from about 90" to 106". So, nothing that will fill the full 120" height. If that's what you were hoping for, you would need to have the projector back further.

Not sure if your room supports the full width which the projector will be putting out either. It would be almost a 16' wide image at the largest size.
AV Integrated - Theater, whole house audio, and technology consultation during the build and installation process in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.
Joined: Sep 10, 2020
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I have the room at that throw distance both width and height. This is a golf simulator room I built from the ground up with this projector as the primary option. My concern is the image quality if I keep the projector around 6 inches off the ceiling and project it so the bottom of the image is 6 inches off the floor.
As I stated no experience with projectors so I don’t know if tilting the projector down and/or vertical keystone will allow me overcome the spec. for this projector of the image starting two inches below the lens.
If I’m remembering correctly at an eleven foot throw the image height will be a little less than eight feet. If I can’t lower the image vertically without distortion that will have the image starting around two feet above the floor which is unacceptable for a golf simulator.
I realize if I have to I can drop the projector lower from the ceiling, but I’d like to avoid that as it will be directly above the hitting area, and the closer to the ceiling the safer it is from damage and the less intimidating it will be when taking full swings.
Joined: Mar 28, 2005
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There is no problem using vertical keystone correction if that's your only choice.

You only have vertical keystone correction, so be sure the lens is on center to the screen.

Yes, you will lose a bit of quality, but it will be minimal overall and you may not even notice it as the scaling has gotten very good with projectors.

Probably my biggest concern is that the projector will not be very bright at the image size you will be working with. Make sure the area you are using it in is as dark as possible.
AV Integrated - Theater, whole house audio, and technology consultation during the build and installation process in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.
Joined: Sep 10, 2020
Posts: 4
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Thanks for the help. My simulator room is 16x22x10 built inside a pole barn, only window is in the door, which I’ll cover with a blind. Entire room will be painted flat black. Lighting while playing is a spot focused around 3’ diameter at the hitting area. My screen has raw edges and will be supported in a conduit frame with bungees and tarp clips so I can play around with the throw. I wanted to use as large as screen as I could work into the requirements for the launch monitor distance requirements and having the projector directly above the hitting area. The bigger the better as far as an immersive experience with golf simulator setups. If the image is washed out and unsatisfactory can you recommend how many lumens would give a strong detailed image.
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