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Topic: Hi, I repair projectors and will answer questions!
Joined: Jan 14, 2020
Posts: 22
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Hi Everybody. My name is Frank. I repair and maintain video projectors and would be happy to answer any repair questions you have if I am able. I have a youtube channel with many videos covering a reasonable amount of issues. I'll share it if you are interested, but I am not advertising it which is why it's not posted up here.

While I know some repair folks think offering DIY advice is 'against the business' I disagree. I think everyone should at least know what they are dealing with if they take it somewhere and many other people are more than able to repair many common issues with DLP,LCD, LCOS etc.
I also know a heck of a lot about lamps. What lamps are good, bad and what the real deal with lamps. Feel free to ask if you want any of the myths debunked.

Let me know what your model # is and what problems you are having.

Also, I am not an expert on newer projectors. I mostly see them after they are in the field for a while but I have tangled with a few of the newer LED/laser units.

Thanks for having such a useful and informative community and I look forward to talking to you.


Joined: Mar 28, 2005
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Frank - I hope you are willing to make it a point to swing by here once every week or two and just peruse the new questions which have been asked. I was clued into your channel on YouTube recently and I'm not sure who else has spent any time at all breaking down projectors the way you have online and have been so outspoken about willing to help others get the parts they need for DiY repairs.

I agree completely that manufacturers don't seem to be on the right page with customer support in many ways, and I think your page is amazing as is the work you do.

You may find that I end up directing quite a few towards your channel in upcoming years as I really respect what you are doing and your level of expertise on the actual repair side is incredible.
AV Integrated - Theater, whole house audio, and technology consultation during the build and installation process in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.
Joined: Jan 14, 2020
Posts: 22
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I really appreciate it! That was partly how I found the forum. I was checking Google and saw my channel mentioned. I also think you or someone from here posted there.

I'm a big fan of Projector Central and have used it as a resource for years.

I'll definitely be checking in and offering whatever help and advice available for people.

I've been repairing av gear personally and professionally for 25+ years now. When I was a teenager I cut my teeth on the old Advent Novabeams.

Everyone should be able to repair their gear or at the least know what they are facing so they can make the best choice on what to do(if they take it to a shop).

My favorite thing to read is when someone is able to repair their projector and save themselves time and money in the process.

Thanks for the welcome! See you around.
Joined: Feb 8, 2020
Posts: 1
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HI Frank have you got a Emil address I can cotact you on please thanks.
Joined: Jan 14, 2020
Posts: 22
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Quote (M4rcO on Feb 8, 2020 2:24 PM):
HI Frank have you got a Emil address I can cotact you on please thanks.

Hi Marco is your best bet. Thanks!
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