I am building home automation hifi audio preamplifier, which consists of motherboard and arbitrary number of audio zones.
Every zone is represented with PCB volume controller board (volume control IC with stereo audio input and audio output).
Now, the end user will be able to upgrade/downgrade this pre-amp with adding/removing audio zones (minimal 1 zone - classic stereo, maximum 8 zones - true zone preamp).
When the power is on, the motherboard with main microcontroller (Microchip PIC32MX795F512L datasheet:
http://www.kynix.com/uploadfiles/pdf8798/PIC32MX795F512L-80I2fPT.pdf) will have to figure out the configuration of preamp, i.e., figure out the number of zone pcbs, inserted into motherboard.
Here are some details of PIC32MX795F512L:
Voltage-Supply-Vcc-Vdd: 2.3 V ~ 3.6 V
Core-Size: 32-Bit
Program-Memory-Size: 512KB (512K x 8)
Data-Converters: A/D 16x10b
Oscillator-Type: Internal
Supply-Voltage-Max: 3.6 V
Supply-Voltage-Min: 2.3 V
Maximum-Operating-Temperature: + 85 C
Minimum-Operating-Temperature: - 40 C
Operating-Supply-Voltage: 2.3 V to 3.6 V
Can anyone tell me the possible solutions for this task? Thanks very much!