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Topic: zero clearance soundbars
Joined: Jul 17, 2012
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Does anyone know about the new zero clearance soundbars from kenetic sound? The are super thin, to go with the new samsung leds, and upcoming oleds. Cinemaesque and Kenetic are offering these soundbars. They are custom made to match the tv. Has anyone used these soundbars? How do they sound?
Joined: Mar 28, 2005
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I haven't even heard of that company... Do they have a website which can showcase their products so I can take a look at them?

One of the biggest issues with soundbars is that the often are using inferior speakers overall to get the space they need. I find that the Polk Surroundbar 50 is one of my favorite speakers because it uses an external A/V receiver which means the entire cabinet is really about the speakers. Polk has discontinued that model for new ones which I don't like as much, but are much thinner and would be a decent match to the current Samsung displays.

Still, in-wall speakers, IMO, can sound better and have a smaller footprint than on-wall speakers for a much better price. The exception being good dedicated on-wall speakers with the size they need for the enclosure to sound good. Definitive Technology makes some of the best on-wall speakers out there IMO.
AV Integrated - Theater, whole house audio, and technology consultation during the build and installation process in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.
Joined: Jul 17, 2012
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I think they build the speakers into the wall, then just do a very thin grill - to match the tv. This gives them better sound vs. a traditional sound bar. I will get some info on websites, etc. Thanks.
Joined: Jan 27, 2021
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I have not heard about this soundbar's brand before. Can anyone let me know where I can get maximum information about these soundbars. I have used Samsung and Sony soundbars from this list

Please share your experience. I am now thinking to upgrade my soundbar.
[Edited by timroberts on Jan 27, 2021 at 11:29 AM]
Joined: Sep 8, 2021
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Yes. I too like to know about this because I'm also thinking to upgrade my soundbar.
[Edited by 1234 on Sep 8, 2021 at 4:57 AM]