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Topic: Feedback on equipment selection
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Your room is too short for 2 rows of seats. My room is just under 17' feet long, and I found that out. I would not want to be the person sitting 9' from the screen(even 92"). You should base your screen size on the main(rear)seating. Whenever we have extra guests, they use portable gaming type chairs in the front.
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Quote (ProjectorBoy on Dec 9, 2010 1:01 AM):
Your room is too short for 2 rows of seats. My room is just under 17' feet long, and I found that out. I would not want to be the person sitting 9' from the screen(even 92"). You should base your screen size on the main(rear)seating. Whenever we have extra guests, they use portable gaming type chairs in the front.

The screen size actually was picked based on the single row, as well as the room width considering the speaker location. If I go with something around 106", I end up with about 18" of wall on each side of the screen, I'm told that this isnt ideal for speaker placement.

You may very well be right about the two rows, that's something I'll have to just figure out once I move in to the house. I'll drop a sofa at 9' and see how it is. When I do my research, I do come across people who are around 9' from a 92" that say it's fine... I think 9' from a 106" might be really pushing it though.

I'd LOVE to go with 106", my concern is that if it's to big, I'm pretty much screwed. If I go smaller, the worst case is that I find myself saying next time it needs to be bigger.
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This image might help show what I am thinking. I know all the dimensions arent optimal, I'd kill for a couple more feet in each direction. At the end of the day though, I need to get more that 3 seats in here. If I figure out that 9 feet is simply to close, I may have to go with a section sofa that wraps around the corners or something.

I guess I should also note that I am aware that if the screen was on the other wall, people wouldnt have to walk in front of it to sit down. The reason I am going with the right way is it gives me more flexibility with seating as I cant really block the passage to the patio door as that is where my bbq is
[Edited by disconnect on Dec 9, 2010 at 6:43 AM]


basic idea

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Joined: Mar 28, 2005
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If I was installing this I would not let you put in a 92" screen.

If you have white walls, then I would not buy a screen at all, but would try different sizes BEFORE you buy a good screen and be darn sure that you buy the screen you really will be happy with. There is nothing that prevents you from buying the screen a few weeks after you get the projector hung and installed.
AV Integrated - Theater, whole house audio, and technology consultation during the build and installation process in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.
Joined: Dec 7, 2010
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Quote (AV_Integrated on Dec 9, 2010 10:01 PM):
If I was installing this I would not let you put in a 92" screen.

If you have white walls, then I would not buy a screen at all, but would try different sizes BEFORE you buy a good screen and be darn sure that you buy the screen you really will be happy with. There is nothing that prevents you from buying the screen a few weeks after you get the projector hung and installed.

AV, that's a great idea, unfortunately I dont think I can do it in my case as they are wiring the room for sound, and the location of the front speakers is very dependent on the size of the screen. I'm going to go by their shop next week, they have a 106" set up, Ill just move the seats to where I need them to be. Hopefully doing this will help. I know with my current tv, I wish I went bigger almost immediately after buying it.. I'd like to avoid that with my HT screen.

This decision has really been stressing me out. Yesterday, I cleared out a big space in my current basement and taped off both sizes on a wall (92" and 106") with electrical tape. I then set up two rows of kitchen chairs, 9' and 15' away. I have to admit that when I am sitting 15' away, the 106" looks much more appealing. Since I'm building this primarily for my wife and I, I guess it would be ok if the front row was on the close side. 9' from 106" seems extreme on paper but I can find tons of people on forums who say they have that distance for their front rows.

Another major concern of mine is with the speakers. If I go with the 106" screen, it leaves me only 18" on each side to mount the speakers. If I go with the 92" I have 24". Do you think that 6" difference would make a huge impact on my audio quality? I was told that you don't want speakers to close to the corners of a room. With the 106", I could end up with them about 7" from the corner.
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