The PLC-ET30L is a very nice projector for sure. The higher resolution may help some with your laptops, but the reality is that unless you go to a widescreen solution, you won't get a 1 to 1 image from the laptop to the projector.
The laptop resolutions you have are all over the place and I would strongly recommend that you discuss with the IT department about standardizing on a 16:9 resolution like 1600 x 900 or 1280x720 or 1365x768 for the laptop displays.
Unfortunately, these may be hard to come by. But, you have to understand that PC manufacturers are just freakin' clueless as to what the heck they are doing and entirely devoid of any practical thought when it comes to international standards of displays.
16:9 - 1920x1080 - is THE standard for large format LCD/plasma displays. Go into Best Buy and look at their LCD displays for PCs at 19"-22"... Every single one is either 1600x900 or 1920x1080 resolution.
Why? Because, very slowly, PCs are starting to understand that 16:9 is truly the worldwide standard.
So, with this 1400x1050 display work better with your laptops? Probably not a whole lot, but the added resolution won't hurt. But, buying another 4:3 projector when the world is going 16:9 is not one of the best decisions I would have to say.
I would lean towards something like this:
Which is around the same price of the Sanyo, but necessitates a new screen. As you move towards more 16:9 laptops, and should there be a need for a plug into a large LCD, then everything will be properly standardized.
Not that Sanyo isn't a great company, but they are falling behind with proper 16:9 projectors and I would avoid their 16:10 or 15:9 options which are not at all industry standard.