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Member Profile for AV_Integrated

Forum Statistics
Member Since March 28, 2005
Topics Started 56
Messages Posted 13,332
Most Active In Home Theater Projectors Forum with 8,015 messages posted (60.1%)
Forums Moderated Home Theater Projectors
Commercial Projectors
Home Theater Equipment
Projection Screens
My Home Theater Setup Questions
Home Theater Showcase
Member Information
Occupation A/V Senior Systems Engineer
AOL Instant Messenger Handle bmxtr1x
Yahoo Messenger Handle none
ICQ Number none
Interests A/V, BMX Flatland, Photography, My Kids!
AV Integrated - Theater, whole house audio, and technology consultation during the build and installation process in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.
AV Equipment
Basement: BenQ W1070 projector with 161" Ultimate Access V motorized, tab-tensioned screen w/1.3 gain white surface material. On-wall small Sony speakers w/Denon receiver. Blu-ray Disc, FiOS, AppleTV, Roku, PS4, etc.
Media server: HDI Dune Base 3.0 w/3,000+ TV episodes and 400+ movies digitally stored and fed from 20TB of networked storage. Whole house A/V distribution and matrixing with Crestron control system.